The Birth of the Maraudicons  
Based on this picture.

Her name was Lillith, though no one called her that in public. To the Maraudicon clan, she was known as "Grand Mistress" in person and "The High Lady" in general conversations. She was revered and respected by all Maraudicons, from the children to the elders. This respect didn't come without reason. Often referred to as the clan's matriarch in the history books, Lillith laid the groundwork for the clan that would come to be known as the Maraudicons.

Her story began long ago on the planet called Antaritron. The Runebots, Antaritron's dominate clan, held every political role on the planet. During a period known as the Age of Harmony, she was born to a family of Runebot nobles in the city of Merope. Since she was of noble birth, she received the finest education. She was one of the top students at the Merope Academy. Her strongest classes were Antaritronian law and speech. She could debate a point so eloquently, that her classmates often commented that she could talk her way out of anything.

As Lillith grew into adulthood, she acquired a love of politics. She would follow every political move with the unrivaled tenacity. She became particularly interested in a politician named Luciferis. His opinions focused primarily on the poor of Antaritron. To most Runebots, they were silly at best and borderline insane at worst. At one point, he called for citizens to rise up and take Antaritron's abundant wealth and give it to the poor. Because his ideas were so unpopular, Luciferis eventually faded from the politicial scene. Despite this, his ideas stayed with Lillith, who became determined to carry them out.

After graduating from the academy, Lillith left the high-class atmosphere of Merope and travelled to the lower-class areas of Antaritron. She eventually arrived in the city of Sargas. The city was dim and dreary compared to the bright atmosphere of Merope. The more unruly citizens were more prominent in Sargas than in Merope. Lillith stopped at Tarazed Inn, one of the bigger taverns in Sargas. As she entered the tavern, she took notice of the mechanisms scattered around the room. A group of four were engaged in some card game, while two others were drinking and exchanging various tales. She sat down at a table and ordered a drink. As she was drinking, another mech sat down across from her. She was hesitant to speak to him at first, but she was able to summon up the strength to talk to him.

The two talked about various topics. Eventually, they fell onto the topic of Lillith's mission. As she told the mech about her ideas and plans, several others stopped by and listened. It wasn't until she was finished that she noticed she had a small crowd around her. She then asked for volunteers, and several mechs agreed to help. One mech informed her that some aristocrat made weekly visits to Sargas. Lillith saw this as a wonderful opportunity to put her ideas into motion. Together, the group discussed various plans, until they came up with one that they all agreed upon.

Two days later, Lillith and four of those who had volunteered waited outside of the Tarazed Inn. Soon after, the aristocrat arrived in a very elaborate hover carriage. The carriage was ivory with gold trimmings. It was pulled by two hovering silver horses. The carriage stopped in front of a high-class inn across the road. The driver jumped down from his post and opened the carriage door. The aristocrat stepped out, and the driver escorted him in. Lillith waited a few minutes before motioning everyone into action. The group split up into two teams of two. One group casually walked across to the inn and kept a close eye on the activity of the aristocrat. The second group, led by Lillith, approached the carriage. She sent the two to check both ends of the carriage, while she searched the inside. The mech in charge of the front end found the driver's gold whip, while the mech in charge of the rear end found a box full of gold coins. Lillith discovered a chest filled with several pieces of fine jewelry. Before the three could search for more, one of the lookouts outside of the inn warned that the aristocrat was coming back. Gathering up all of their loot, they hurried back to the Tarazed. The aristocrat stepped into the carriage, and the driver closed the door behind him. He then climbed back to his post, where he discovered his whip was missing. Giving a small shrug, he summoned another from subspace and cracked the whip above the horses' heads. The horses powered up their thrusters and the carriage took off. As soon as the carriage was out of sight, Lillith and her group breathed a sigh of relief and went back into the tavern.

After totalling up how much loot they had taken, Lillith and the other mechs went through Sargas, giving some of the loot to the poor mechs on the streets. All of the mechs thanked the group for their generosity, and some even agreed to join Lillith on her crusade.

With each successful raid, Lillith gained more and more followers, and as the group grew, they were able to move onto bigger targets. Lillith also travelled around the planet and told people about her clan and their mission. She spoke with such eloquence and charisma, that she brought others into the clan through words alone. In time, the group expanded into a clan and had members all across the planet. Needless to say, the Runebots weren't too thrilled with the new clan. One of the elders claimed that the newly formed clan was nothing more than a bunch of good-for-nothing marauders. Lillith happened to catch wind of this, and was so amused by the description that she dubbed her clan the Maraudicons.

And the rest is history.


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