Armada/Energon 'Best Of' Scanfest  

Armada #4, written by Chris Sarracini, pencils by James Raiz, backgrounds by Edwin Garcia, inks by Rob Armstrong and Erik Sander, colours by Alan Wang, Ramil Sunga and Felipe Smith, graphic design by Paul Villauerte, edits by Matt Moylan, letters by Dreamer Design, and pre-press by Kell-O-Graphics.

Gah, those optics. Hot Shot, seriously, lay off the caffeine. I don't care if you're a hyper idiot in fanfics - this is a comic book you're in right now.

You know, Wayward needed a reference for boogly-eyed Transformers a few months ago. We could have used you then.

Yes, yes, you all have pelvises. You don't need to keep showing them off.

We're just doing this to be pests now. Ladies and gentlemen - Megatron's crotch.

We just like Starscream's smirk here. Also the out-of-context slash. Actually, Starscream just stabbed Megatron with a portable USB thing with a tank design in it and Megatron's systems are reformatting to his new Earth-mode.

"Relax, Megatron. What's wrong? Don't you trust me? I just inserted a new download into your system." Tee-hee!

Yeah, we all know why you like your new body, Megs.

Next issue: Megatron walks like a man and like a woman - at the same time! Be there!


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